Extra Citizenship Resources

Please look through the following resources if your student is looking for extra help studying for the citizenship exam. You can access each website from the link below.

  • Ventures Arcade offers virtual practice for the citizenship exam. Explore the various sections to practice the 100 civics questions, the reading and writing sections, and more.

  • USA Learns - An online course to guide students through the process of becoming a US citizen. Their course is broken down into four units

    • Steps to Becoming a U.S. Citizen

    • N-400 Interview Practice

    • Civics, Reading and Writing Practice

    • Your Interview and New Citizenship

  • Citizenshipworks - A program that helps connect applicants to legal help for their citizenship application

  • USCIS 100 Questions- The USCIS website offers the 100 civics questions and answers in large print, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. This can help students to understand the meaning of the questions. Please note that during the exam all questions will be asked in English

  • USCIS Flashcards - Flashcards from USCIS for the 100 questions